Monday, July 9, 2012

The Solemnization ceremony & Bride's Receptions done!Phewwww...! Thank You note from Iezan

Alhamdullilah...The two ceremony's done!
I am now the official wife for Mr. Mohd Shakir..:)

Every little girl dreams of her wedding day…a day of love and magic that will leave its imprint in her heart forever. Last week, Tho' I did not had my fairytale but its magnificence enough and beyond anything I could have imagined-I could live the rest of my life in this moment, because it was surrounded by my friends and family and never want for anything more.

I know it’s not traditional for the bride to make a thank you message at her wedding blog, but anyone who knows me knows how hard it can be to keep me quiet and today is no exception! 

Firstly thank you to all of you my loved ones who came and joined us we celebrating our family, friendship and our commitment to each other. And thank you for all your wonderful gifts and 'ang pow' :))

I know most of you took time off work and travelled a long way to be there and I want to say how much it means to Shakir & I to share our day with family and friends that love us. I know for the majority of you it meant making huge efforts of rearranging your personal lives as well as arranging travel and accommodation and we appreciate that more then you realize. Weddings can happen at anywhere and at any time but it can only be true celebration when all the people you love are there to share it with you, so you really have made our day.
Now, I also gain another set of parents. Mama & Abah, from the first day I met you I felt welcomed and accepted. I'm very lucky to have such great in-laws. Thank you for raising Shakir and rest assured I will look after him and love him just as well. Am I right to say that there is no warranty card for him? No? Worth a thought!:) 
I'm so pleased that my Mak and Ayah, and my wonderful siblings Abg, Manja(Ieda) & Ady can be here with me on my big day. I know it has been particularly difficult for you, Mak & Ayah, and for you to be able to arrange 2 'kenduri' at only one weekend, it means more then I could put into words.

I'd like to thank my sister aka my '2nd mother' and guardian angel for..I want to say being beside me all time, but it was more of a waddle, today and every day. Manja (Ieda) and I argued with each other throughout most of our childhood, and spent our teenage years looking at each other with complete irreverence. But we've mellowed in our old age and have now grown so close that I am immensely proud to call her my sister. Thank you farty pants for being there. I cud never thank you, .. and your husband Ujang enugh for everything. Cudnt imagine how was it gonbe without u two around.:) *hugs*

For my brothers for their love and support..And of course their 'tulang empat kerat'.

A massive thank you to my maid-of honor, Aslisdayanti aka Lissy. I'd like to thank you for accepting to be my maid-of-honor. You've been helpful, supportive and all the things a bride could ask for, you have been there for me like a true sister. (c,mon how cud i forget how u 'picit2' my toes because they got 'kebas' due to me sitting down too long during the solemnization? And how u had to wipe off my vigorously sweating face during the 'sanding'! Plus u had to ditch ur hubby and baby tht time!) *hugs*
A thank you to my lovely flower-girl Fieza Aziz aka Adeq Pijah for making my wedding entrance special!  You were a little star, very pretty and charming tolarating Naufal our little flower boy nephew!
And for heros behind the emotional bride,my BFF Raziyan (for our lovely wedding cakes, and being the advisor cum listener truout the wedding preparation journey), Azian Iskandar (for crying as loud as my mom during the solemnization? :P, for being there of course..and for my lovely sirih junjung for the hantaran for Shakir!), Renu ( another angel drop from heaven, she was our 'bidan terjun' driver, camera woman & Mak Andam,and thx bbe for sponsoring the hantaran cake for Shakir!), Nurul (for being there,all time).. It wouldn't be the same without you guys here that weekend.How cud I thank u guys enough? *hugs* *hard cries*And the only problem is that u guys looked so completely stunning in your dresses matching to the wedding theme that I had to sit u guys as far away from me possible!

Also there were this angel who weren't with us last week who are greatly missed. My BFF Nadya who is expecting her first baby,unable to travel..Thank bbe for the lovess u sent to make my special days as sweet as yours, the 'bunga tissue' tht looks perfect for my bunga pahar, my 'life saver' super gorgeous brooch hand bouquet, my wedding shoes, my solemnization luvly veil and tudung..May Allah bless u sayang..*hugs*

For our photographers from Mycutemoments, Emcee Mr. Zamani & partner,Cake heros Satira Diana from Pearl Cakes Events, Nurainie Tan for the hantaran cupcakes and beautiful sugar flowers, Azlina Kamsan for our super black Hantaran Cake, Yuni( Carlyna) for the macarons n fancy cookies for hantaran..U guys were totally some starss! Million THANKS for the amazing jobs to complete our big day!

For the acoustic band performance -  brothers Azam Haiqal, Faiz aka Sulek, Amza,(the basis boy-I forgot his name), lil bro Ady and our gorgy singer Oiesh..Thanks so much folks..U guys rawks! (also to Has & Ad..u two dint play but u guys been there for the band..Thx!)
Nanti aku balik JB I'll open table okayh.

And I also would like to say a big thank you to our relatives, close family and frens came all the way from Perak, Kuala Lumpur, N9 and Sabah days earlier to help up with the preparations. Everyone chips in their energy for all those chores, from cooking, setting up the hall and others. Unimaginably thankful for everyone's loves!
I do have to say to our neighbors that helped out during the two event- I OWE U GUYS BIG TIME! Cik Zana & hubby, Cik Ham & family, Cik Sham & family, Cik Siti & family and many more who was there, u guys was just like our family, Im truly blessed! That’s all that matters to me.

To our caterer Uncle Sam Catering, OMG whats with the non-stop compliments we received about the food served?!Thxxxx! Everyone said the 'Red Lamb Soup' was the best! And also for those to sponsored the deserts for the guests (all those Kuehs,muffins,tapai and many more), Nasi Padang and lots more...Whoever u are THXXX!
By the way just to warn you all that this could be the start of an emotional bit, so if I start blubbing please feel free to throw youself a tissue;
And finally a word or two for my dear husband Shakir (wow! I can say that now!). Shakir came into my life and completely changed it - more gray hairs and worry lines for a start! It means so much to me standing here as his wife. You are my favorite man in the world (after my ayah!), the love of my life, my best friend and now my husband! I want to thank you for a wonderful days - thank you for your hard work in realizing our dreams - it has been so perfect. Thank you for putting up with me and coping with my fabulous mood swings! Thank you for loving me and being there for me. You have done this by being yourself and loving me. You know my inner self used to say to marry a rich man - I couldn’t have married a richer man then Shakir. He is rich in inner strength, understanding and kindness, in forgiveness and patience. I know that life won’t be a bed of roses, the road will be all bumpy but I can promise you now that I will always be there by your side as your wife and your best friend.
I haven't been able to find the right words to express how I feel about this man that now is my husband today so I'm going to recite this poem in the hope that it might let him know just how much he means to me. 
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you 
I love you not only for what you have made yourself as for what you have made of me 
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
 I love you for putting your hand in my heaped up heart and passing over all the foolish weak things that are held dimly there, and for drawing out into the light all the beautiful belongings, that no-one else had looked quite far enough to find.
 I love you because you have helped me to make my life a beautiful life worth living I love because you have done more than anyone could have done to make me good and more than any fate could have done to make me happy.

They say you don't marry the man you can't live with you marry the man you can't live without and for me that's Shakir.
If it is true that men are like stars, with so many to pick from but only one who can make your dreams come true then Shakir is my one true star and I can’t wait for the rest of our dreams to come true.
I love you with all my heart and I know for certain that will never change. I must be the luckiest person on earth and I know that we are going to have an amazing life together.
Shakir you are my everything and I’m very proud to be Mrs. Shakir. - the best is yet to come.

To my Family…Who could have asked for better? You have been my foundation throughout my life. You celebrated my successes and quadrupled my happiness, but when life attacked me, you all closed ranks around me and took the brunt of the blows yourselves. We are bound together by ties of love and blood and every day that passes only makes those bonds stronger. My pillars of strength, thank you for loving me.
To the rest of my family and frens who involve directly or indirectly with our big day...Millionss of THANK YOU.. And yes, I do love all of you like a love song!

         U guys may click here for the summary of the Solemnization Ceremony and here for the Bride Reception!

Yours truly,
Intan Nor Iezan